The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Martadella's blog

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I used 500g Prairie Gold whole wheat flour and, initially, 400g water, 4 g yeast and 10g salt. After autolyse decided to gently and gradually add 100g more. 

Really funny dough, not too easy to work with,  but manageable. Nice taste, and not too chewy 🙂

Martadella's picture

Inspiration from here

Sour preferment:

200g Bob's Red Mill 10 grain hot cereal

200g lukewarm water 

20g g old rye starter from the fridge 

2g salt

Mix, let stand at least 24 hours. First couple hours in a warmer spot, then move to a cooler room temperature. It may be a little smelly at first, but this will vanish and will actually start smelling nice.



All of the above 

600g wholegrain rye flour 

500-600g lukewarm liquid (I used water mixed with acidic soy based kefir, but how about watermilk, apple cider,  beer etc.) 

10-12 g salt

6g dry yeast 

100g black sesame seeds (I used 70 sesame and 30 sunflower) 

Mix everything thoroughly,  knead with your fists, regulate flour and water if necessary 

Bulk ferment in a lukewarm spot 45-60 min

Place in a large prepared bread form, sprinkle generously with rye flour,  let proof without cover, 45-60 min

Bake 10 min at 450°F, then 50-60 at 390

Cool overnight before slicing

Very mild tasting bread with sweet nutty flavor from sesame seeds. Pleasant mouthfeel with soft texture of rye crumb and crunchiness of seeds. Surprisingly, rather low acidity. Smells like a field of rye in the summer 



Martadella's picture

Adapted from KAF No-Knead Harvest Bread


700g bread flour (Walmart)

300g white whole  wheat flour (Prairie Gold) 

20g salt

7g dry yeast 

800g cold water 

100g pecans,  chopped

100g dried cranberries, cut in 3-4 pieces 

Mix roughly,  let rest 20 minutes,  then 3-4 SF every 20-30 minutes. Mix fruits and nuts into the dough now, or laminate them later

Bulk ferment 2-3 hours, depending on your room temperature 

Divide in 2, form loaves, place in two clay bakers with covers

Final proof 1-2 hours 

Score with knife. Place in cold oven, no steam, no pizza stone,  turn thermostat to 450, bake 45 minutes, take of lid, bake 10-15 more minutes, cool on rack 

Let cool before slicing because it is going to be very soft and moist inside, so let the crumb stabilize before cutting 

Martadella's picture

1000g 00 flour (Ana Napoletana from Walmart)

680g cold water

10g salt (12g in the summer) 

1-5g dry yeast, depending on the temperature (this time I did 5g)

Day before in evening put everything except salt in a small bucket, mix into a rough dough.  Let rest 30-45min. Add salt. Stretch and fold a couple of times.  Let stand at room temp for 1 hour then move into a cold place (in my case it was a cool basement, around 14°C)

In the morning divide in 200-210g pieces, form balls, refrigerate until ready to bake

Martadella's picture

Taking it easy and testing some yeasted recipes. This one is from KAF website

Slight modifications:

Less caraway. 1 tablespoon is just to assertive 🙂

Instead of potato flour I used small boiled and mashed potato (68g)

Didn't use milk powder, instead I added 4 heaping tablespoons of plant based kefir (from homemade soy milk) 

I made dark and light doughs separately.

As I didn't adjust hydration after my changes,  the doughs turned out very soft and sticky, but still not too difficult to handle.  

Lovely bread 😋😋😋

Martadella's picture

In a small jar I put a handful of raisins, a handful of dried sd rye cubes and some lukewarm water. I let it ferment in a lukewarm spot for 3 days. Third day evening, I added water to volume of 650ml. I fed it with a couple tablespoons of rye flour. In the morning I added more flour, to the consistency of pancake batter.  It fermented about 5 hours, then started collapsing.  At this moment I made the proper dough using all purpose flour and salt.  Didn't add anymore water. Bulk ferment was 2 hours, final proof probably around 1 hour. Baked free standing, with steam,  on a pizza stone 

Similar technique to  Russian Monastyrski from rus brot channel 

Martadella's picture

Little experiment :

Flatbread with olive oil, hemp seeds, garlic, oregano and creamy cashew sauce 😋


I used Prairie Gold whole wheat white flour and refrigerated, unfed rye starter

400g whole grain white flour

290 g cold water

6g salt

20g old inactive rye starter


I made the dough at 7:30pm, kept something like 12 hours at 65°F, then about 5 hours in my oven with a light on. The dough was extremely soft and stretchy. Next time I plan to use more active starter and shorter fermentation time

Taste was very good, subtle and a little sweet with some yogurty notes. Texture slightly chewy, bread like, but still very pleasant. Very nice crunchy edges of the flatbread, with delicious thin crust 😋

Martadella's picture

I was looking through my archives and thought this simple formula was worth saving and sharing 


1/1/1 (by weight) starter/water/flour

Mix in a transparent container, let ferment in a lukewarm place until bubbly, move to cooler place,  let ferment until the top starts falling and the smell is acidic

Average ferment time 12-16 hours 


1/1/1 (by weight) preferment/water/flour

Salt, as needed

Mix, bulk ferment in warm place until nicely expanded and gets crackly on surface, on average 1-2 hour


Place in pan, cover, proof until cracked bubbles start showing on surface, about 45-60 minutes 


Dock, if desired. Brush with water or thinned dough

Bake in preheated oven in descending temperature 475/425/375°F

Exact baking time will depend on the size of your loaf, on average 45-60 minutes

Martadella's picture

I modified timing to fit the procedure in my schedule. I should have also bake at slightly lower temperature,  because the crust tastes a little too darkly.

Other then that this is a great tasting bread, slices incredibly thin and stays fresh for a very long time.

Martadella's picture

Extremely flavorful and tasty. Amazing crust! 

Stage 1

100g rye flour

100g lukewarm water

10g rye starter

Mix into a ball, let ferment 12-16 hours,  until expanded, spongy and light colored inside and smelling acidic

Stage 2

All of the above 

650g lukewarm water

650g rye flour 

100g sunflower seeds 

100g flax seeds

30g salt

Bread spices, if desired (I used ground caraway) 

Mix everyting together. It will be relatively stiff. Let ferment 10-14 hours, depending on temperature and your schedule. The dough has to expand,  be spongy inside and show pinholes on the outside. You can speed this process up or slow it down by placing your bowl in warmer or cooler place. 

Stage 3

All of the above 

500g whole wheat flour 

400g dark beer or bread kvas

150-200g lukewarm water, as needed

Mix preferment with beer, mix in the flour, add small amounts of water until you're happy with the consistency of the dough. It has to be really soft. Let rest 20 minutes. Place in prepared pans. Let proof in a lukewarm place until the dough reaches the rim of the pan. Dock or score. Brush generously with water, sprinkle with seeds, pushing them gently in. Bake in descending temperature:  475/10 minutes,  425/20 minutes, 395/30 minutes, until dark brown and sounds hollow when thumped on the bottom. Remove from pans, brush again with water and let cool completely before slicing 

This amount of dough made one large ikea pan and one 8×4 in. I will have to adjust next time for two big pans. 


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