The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Elle_'s blog

Elle_'s picture

Hello! Newbie here! 

I am new to baking with sprouted flours. I purchased Peter Reinhart’s book Bread Revolution, and have been enjoying “the read”, but struggle with getting my sprouted whole wheat dough to a windowpane stage. The gluten development seems inferior to regular wheat flour, and the crumb is more like a quick bread than a yeast bread. ☹️

In his book, Peter say’s a poolish is not needed, but I went ahead and made a sprouted whole wheat loaf using poolish. The structure of the dough was much more satisfying and it finally reached a windowpane stage and turned out better than  my previous try’s. I am using 100% sprouted flours. 

I would love to know your success story getting a chewy yeast bread using sprouted whole wheat flour. 

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