The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Recent Blog Entries

Joe Fisher's picture
Joe Fisher

Last week I had the pleasure of wandering around San Francisco with my wife. While at Fisherman's Wharf, we walked by the big window of Boudin Bakery a half dozen times in our trips to various attractions. A couple of times an employee was making baguettes and batards. It was really fun to watch the pace at which he formed the dough, and compare my own styles to his.

He first put a giant glob of dough into a machine that looked like a big rice cooker. He closed the lid, and a few seconds later opened it. The dough was pushed back up, sliced into about a dozen equal portions. It was so cool to see it mushrooming up out of the machine! He then tore apart the dough and made boules. To create surface tension, he used the table to hold the bottom of the boule in place, and kind of squeezed the top of the dough down into it, almost like he was wringing out a towel. It was very cool, and very fast.

For $3, we took the bakery tour and tasting. It was a self-guided tour where we got to see the history of Boudin Bakery, and watch the employees work the giant machinery below. It was very interesting to see that they do the same things we do, just on a grand scale. The mother starter is kept in the fridge (very stiff, I noticed). An employee goes in and cuts off a cube of it (about 12" on a side!), weighs it, and drops it in the huge mixer bucket with flour and salt. He then checks temperatures and adds water. Then a mix and knead, shaping, and overnight fermenting. The next day is slashing and baking.

Finally we came to the end of the tour and tasted the bread. The sourdough was very mildly sour - so mild I would have been hard pressed to pick it out as sourdough. The crumb was fairly dense with a chewy crust. My wife took a taste, then another, then whispered, "Yours is better."

I grinned for the rest of the day :)


If you have the chance, stop by Boudin. I didn't get to eat dinner there, but the tour and tasting was well worth $3.



Floydm's picture

I baked some french bread today. 

Before baking:


After baking:


It was quite good.  The crust was a bit soft because I didn't use hot enough water to create steam, but overall quite good.

I finally had a chance to update the site some today.  You may notice that both of the featured blocks on the front page are heavily focused on community participation.  It has been great how much activity there has been on the site the past few months while I've been slammed at work and travelling.  I always hoped the site would develop into a community rather than a soapbox.  I'm very pleased to see that it has.

Floydm's picture

Brr... cold today, the furnace is on.  A perfect time to bake!

We're just back from a trip up to Victoria, BC.  Had some excellent baked goods at a cafe on Government Street.





I didn't get a picture of the danishes, but they were even prettier.

Enough talk, time to bake!


vhender's picture

I was surfing the net and ran across this neat tool that will help you with your formula. just plug in your #'s and it will figure it out for you

this one if for sour dough

here is the main page with some great info and add'l calculators for your baking needs

johnm's picture

This is a whole new world. Thank you!!! I have been making pizzas for my family's enjoyment and I can do pretty well with my Weber, but now I am baking! Very cool, indeed!

PJ3's picture

Bread (Whole Wheat Molasses)

Serves: 6

"The Sponge"

1st Add to Mixer (Add in this Order)

3 Cups unbleached flour

2 1/2 Tbls Yeast

2 Tbls salt

1/4 Cup sugar

4 Cups water warm 95*

Let above ingredients rise for 10-15 min until doubled

2nd Mix in 4 cup Measuring Cup

(Add in this Order)

1 Cup brown sugar

1/2 Cup olive oil

1/3 Cup molasses

2 1/2 Cups water warm 95*

Mix Measuring cup ingredients into mixer then add approx

14 Cups whole wheat flour enough to make a nice dough

Let Sponge (above Ingredients) rise for 10-15 min until doubled - While Sponge is rising Grind your whole wheat flour and Grease 6 bread pans When yeast mixture has doubled from first bowl, mix contents from second bowl or 4 cup measuring cup into Bosch Mixer Mix well then start adding wheat flour until dough starts pulling away from the sides of mixing bowl -- Mix in Mixer for 6 min-- OR knead by hand until your brains fall out. If you are using an "INSTANT" yeast like "SAF" divide into 6 loaves, put into pans, cover with cloth, let rise until doubled. If using a "REGULAR" yeast -- let rise until doubled approx 1 hour -- (hint): I use a large bowl covered with a cloth and put into oven with light on when dough has doubled knead down by hand on an oiled surface-- shape into loaves, put into greased loaf pans and let rise until doubled for the 2nd time. Bake @ 350° for 30 min --- Single loaf in a 12" dutch oven with 16-18 coals on top and 6-8 coals on bottom VARIATIONS: *Cinnamon Pull-A-Parts: Pinch dough into small golf ball-- dip in butter then roll in cinnamon sugar mixture *Onion Bread: While forming into loaves, knead in instant "minced" onion. Use more than you think you need! *Herb Bread: Combine favorite herbs together and Knead into bread

Floydm's picture

Things are starting to cool off, so I've managed to bake the last two weekends.

Two weekends ago I made a Potato Bread from Bernard Clayton's New Complete Book of Breads.

potato bread

It was great. I'll definitely be baking it again, and probably posting a recipe here in the next few days.

This weekend I baked some Buttermilk Bread, a Whole Wheat Bread, and some Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies:


All turned out well.  We had Grilled Pizza with pesto made from basil from the garden too.  

Oh yeah, we've also been having Raspberry Nutella Crepes for breakfast for the past three days. Wow. That's all I have to say about the matter.


johnm's picture


I'm not usually a 'joiner', but I *had* to join your site.

After reading your lessons, I just made 3 loaves of bread this past weekend, and they all came out good!

The first loaf was an Italian that I baked the same night. The second loaf was the same Italian recipe, but with a biga/starter/sponge, and I baked it the next day. Even better results! The third loaf was a whole wheat loaf. Not as good rise - but still okay tasting! All with King Arthur flour and Kosher salt (and a little honey).

Thank you so much for your website!!!

pmccool's picture

It started simply enough.  I needed to make bread this weekend for sandwiches this week.  Since I hadn't gotten my starter out of the refrigerator and activated soon enough, it had to be a yeasted dough.  And there are so many formulas to try in BBA . . .

After taking stock of time requirements and ingredient availability, the winner was Reinhart's Multigrain Extraordinaire Bread, a successor to his Struan bread.  With a few modifications, as it turned out.  Cornmeal was on hand, although not the coarse polenta grind.  No wheat bran, but I figured that substituting 1 cup of whole wheat flour for the white flour ought to get me fairly close.  No brown rice, either.  However, there was some whole flax seed available, so why not crush some of that and put it in the soaker?  Perhaps most unusual, I actually had buttermilk in the refrigerator.  That doesn't happen often.

So, the soaker was constructed with crushed flaxseed in place of the missing wheat bran.  Note to self: next time try using the blender to chop or grind the flaxseed.  It has to be easier than using the mortar and pestle.  (I don't have a grain mill on hand.)  The following day I put together the rest of the dough pretty much per instructions, other than substituting in whole wheat flour for one of the 3 cups of bread flour and omitting the brown rice.  The dough was stickier than I anticipated and absorbed nearly a cup of flour during the recommended 12-minute kneading.  Toward the end of the kneading, the gluten was becoming very well developed.  Has anyone tried using an autolyse with this recipe?  It seems that it might cut down on the time required to knead the dough.

The dough was nearly doubled in about 60-70 minutes of bulk ferment and then shaped into loaves and put into pans for the second ferment. The baking instructions had about the widest latitude that I have seen for recommended baking time: 40 to 60 minutes for loaves in pans.  When checked at 45 minutes, the internal temperature was about 175F, so back into the oven for another 10 minutes.  At the second check, the internal temperature was between 185F and 190F.  They also had a nice hollow sound when thumped that was missing at the first check. 

Observations: 1) This bread is fairly forgiving of modifications.  Replacing 1/3 of the bread flour with whole wheat flour doesn't appear to have had an ill effects on texture or flavor; I should probably admit to enjoying whole-grain breads to all-white varieties.  2) The addition of the flaxseed lends a nice crunch in the finished bread.  3) This bread is sweet!  That isn't a complaint, although probably the brown sugar or the honey alone would be adequate for sweetening.  I think dropping the brown sugar entirely and adding a tablespoon of dark molasses in combination with the honey would make for an interesting flavor.  4) Even with all of that sugar and honey, the bread really didn't develop a dark crust.  Apparently the 350F temperature isn't high enough to drive a lot of caramelization on the crust.

All in all, a very pleasing outcome, especially in view of the liberties that I took with the ingredients.  And yes, today's sandwich at lunch time was delicious!


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