February 19, 2021 - 6:23pm
Freezing dough for kolache??
Hi All! I was just listening to this 2-minute news cast that featured The Kolache Factory in Texas. I'm intrigued because the worker stated that they freeze the dough for 2 days and then refrigerate it for 1 day before then go on to stuff and bake the kolache.
I'm guessing this is to strengthen the dough as I've seen this technique done for croissant dough. Do you all agree? Other thoughts, and does anyone know how freezing would strengthen dough?
Kolache appears to be an enriched dough, similar to brioche and babka, with near shortcrust pastry levels of fat. And relatively low level of hydration.
For me, freezing and refrigerating doesn't "strengthen" the dough in the sense of increasing or developing gluten, but rather it firms and solidifies the dough so it can be pressed into shape, then filled.
Thanks for the insight - that makes sense! And I might apply that logic to other high butter bakes in my life :)